So, recently a collegue of mine told me that It's been too long since I've updated my life in the blogosphere. So here is a quick attempt at bringing everyone up to speed.
1. Jared is still alive. I opted not to kill him for getting suspended from school since the economy has taken such a dive I still need him as a tax deduction. Thankfully he has straighted up his act and both his grade and behavior have improved.
2. I have completed the assemply of the ham radio station.
I've gotten on the air several times and spoken with some nice folks in West Africa, Northern Europe and South America. I've even been speaking with my dad in California a couple of times.
Now, for those of you who would mock my life-long hobby, I just have to put in this disclaimer. I'm not a skiier, snowboarder, or other winter outside enthusiast. I like to hibernate when the snow flies. Ham radio keeps me inside, occupied and close to a warm mug of hot chocholate. I'm home. And that's that. The rest of ya all can just go out and freeze. Have fun with your frostbite!! I'm having fun! My bride and daughter think I'm a nerd. Oh well, I am, and proud of it! Either way, no one in the neighborhood has a
problem anymore trying to find my house! We just tell them, "look for the lightening rod. That's ours!"
3. On Sunday, some lady brought by some food to the fire station. It was good, but a little out of date. The next day, I found out why they put dates on food. Holy crap, was I sick! A little food poisoning cost me two days of work! Sorry... I didn't take any pictures of me barfing, it just didn't enter my mind at the time!
4. My computer has been out of comission for the last 2 weeks. (Hence the lack of updates.) Had to have it serviced and the tech found just under 2000 viruses on the hard drive. OUCH!! At any rate, it's fixed and now you can catch up on my life. (or lack thereof)
5. A good friend of mine has decided to defect from the blog world and join up with the enemy. Tven that great and spacious building called 'Facebook.' Whatever! Too bad for her I guess! You know who you are! Repent, lest I continue to smite you with the rod of my mouth!